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Workforce & Training

Northeastern Pennsylvania offers quality education and workforce training. Most local school districts offer advanced placement, gifted programs and special education services with skilled, dedicated and loyal teachers.
In addition to top-notch elementary and secondary schools, numerous well-regarded universities, colleges and technical schools contribute to the quality of our educational resources.
From traditional disciplines to continuing education and customized workforce development programs, the educational system in northeastern Pennsylvania has what you need.
In today's competitive business environment, companies need a workforce that's not only well-trained, but is consistently able to upgrade skills and keep up with new trends and technologies.
State-sponsored programs
Customized Job Training (CJT) This state grant program reimburses Pennsylvania employers for specialized job training for existing or newly hired employees. CJT funds can be used for consumable materials and supplies, approved contracted services, instructional costs and relevant travel costs for instructors.
Workforce & Economic Development Network of PA (WEDnetPA) A Guaranteed Free Training Program offered by Pennsylvania to strengthen an already healthy and supportive business environment by rewarding in-state businesses that show solid growth and out-of-state companies that decide to relocate to Pennsylvania. Qualified companies receive free job training.
Work Force Investment Act of 1998 (Title 1) A federal program that provides job training to eligible individuals. Companies can be reimbursed for up to 50 percent of wages paid to eligible trainees during the training period. The amount of time included in the training period varies with the difficulty of the job. Eligible employees include, but are not limited to, those who are economically disadvantaged and those who have been dislocated due to a plant closing or mass layoff.
For more information on workforce development programs, visit
County-sponsored programs
Numerous programs at local colleges, universities and vocational-technical schools work closely with employers and economic development officials to custom-develop training programs and access training grants.
Workforce Investment Areas
The region is served by four Workforce Investment Areas, the Lackawanna County Workforce Investment Area NE055, the Luzerne/Schuylkill Counties Workforce Investment Area NE075, the Northern Tier Workforce Investment Area and the Pocono Counties Workforce Investment Area NE135. The respective Workforce Investment Areas were designated by the Governor to implement programs established by the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA). Each area is served by a non-profit Workforce Investment Board (WIB) comprised of private-sector business people, community based organizations, labor, economic development and education representatives involved in directing employment and training opportunities to residents of their area.
Lackawanna County Workforce Investment Area NE055
Phone: 570-342-3649
Luzerne/Schuylkill Counties Workforce Investment Area NE075 (Luzerne & Schuylkill Counties)
Phone: 570-822-1101
Northern Tier Workforce Investment Area (Bradford, Sullivan, Susquehanna, Tioga, Wyoming Counties)
Phone: 570-265-9103 x.515
Pocono Counties Workforce Investment Area NE135 (Carbon, Monroe, Pike, Wayne Counties)
Phone: 570-325-2462
Universities and Colleges in the Northeastern Pennsylvania
The NEPA RBI is collaboratively linking college and university research & development programs and working with the universities to expand Biosciences education and training to attract and retain skilled workers.
There are 14 higher education institutions throughout the 8-county region that support the life sciences with programs in biotechnology, health, and informatics. There is also a strong emphasis on R&D collaboration between universities and businesses.