Regional Profile > Demographics


The NEPA regional economy is larger than South Dakota, Montana, and Vermont  with a population of 1,031,040 ($38.5 billion in regional economic output).  Currently, the economic output of NAICS codes in the region’s bioscience-related sectors (Direct Patient Care, Medical Equipment, Research & Testing, Information Storage &Processing, Services & Logistics, and Pharmaceuticals) is: $11.1 Billion and approximately one-third of the total regional economy – directly employing more than 66,000 residents. The regional economy is diverse and ready and able to meet the needs of companies and their employees.

NEPA, a growing region with more than one million people, has what companies need to be successful. The cost of living is affordable allowing residents to live a comfortable and high-quality life with access to excellent schools, healthcare, and quality employment. The area's demographics make it attractive to people and companies looking for a place to do business and live well.

Click the links below to view specific data sections.


Wages & Educational Attainment

Distribution of Jobs

Major Job Sectors

RBI Facts

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FACT #1:

More than $2 Million in NIH funding has been attracted to NEPA within the last five years.

FACT #2:

Companies including Sanofi Pasteur are currently doing business in NEPA at a cost of 26.5% less than if operating in New York and 21.1% less than in Philadelphia.

FACT #3:

FedEx and UPS are operating refrigerated distribution facilities in NEPA due to our location, labor and operating costs.

FACT #4:

32.3% of NEPA’s population is over the age of 65, providing companies with an available pool of patients for equipment and pharmaceutical testing.

FACT #5:

Companies providing specialty healthcare services can capitalize on $1 Billion of annual patient care revenue currently leaving the NEPA region.


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The rapid growth and success of this region has provided BioSpectra will a skilled labor force and contributed to our own growth.

Dora Meissner

This area’s great access, combined with a dedicated and highly productive workforce, has helped Benco Dental become the nation’s largest independent dental distributor.

Rick Cohen
Managing Director, Benco Dental

NEPA presents a unique opportunity for bioscience companies to capitalize on the region’s intellectual resources and geographic proximity to major metropolitan areas.

John P. Wiercinski
Regional VP for Geisinger Health System

It is undeniable that our northeastern region has a wealth of diverse bioscience resources.

Jerry Musheno
Vice President, Project /Program Administration, Maximus

The key reasons for our success in distribution in Northeastern Penn. are we are located within 5 hours of all major cities in the Mid-Atlantic and New England areas, low overhead, low taxes and an inspired workforce.

Ray Lick
Wilkes Barre Regional Manager, Henry Schein


For more information,

Penn's Northeast

John L Augustine III


(570) 883-0504

- OR -

Amy Luyster

Assistant Vice President,
The Scranton Plan

(570) 342-7711